
                The most recent example of people not taking responsibility for their own actions was revealed in the content of a news story where a mother is blaming a restaurant for a burn sustained from the spilling of a hot beverage.

                It is unfortunate and heart wrenching that a 5 year old was burned from a beverage spill.  However, it was not a server that spilled the beverage, so don’t blame the restaurant.

                It is impossible to make a proper cup of tea without boiling water.  Cups are already printed with a warning that the contents are hot.

                Now the couple wants to have the government regulate the heat level of tea and coffee.  Who wants a tepid cup of tea or coffee?  All this because of the carelessness of the parents.  People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

                Again my heart felt concern for the trauma suffered by the 5 year old child but it is the responsibility of the parents to take every precaution when there is a possibility of injury to their child.

                Don’t blame the restaurant and don’t expect the government to step in and handle every situation for you.  Accidents happen, usually because someone didn’t take the proper precautions to prevent the accident.

                As I stated previously it would be different if someone serving the beverage was responsible for the accident but in this case the beverage was totally in the control of the parent.

                I hope the child has no lasting effects from this incident but hopefully the parent will be more careful in the future’

                It seems no one in society wants to take responsibility for their own actions.  If you are that concerned for your child, as you should be, don’t order a hot beverage when they are with you and if you do make sure you make every effort to avoid spilling that beverage on the child and don’t try to put the blame on the restaurant when it is clearly your own actions that resulted in an injury.

                You may choose to agree or disagree but for what it’s worth, that’s my view from the country.

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