There is a lot of discussion over the topic of abortion and many people take one side or the other but I don’t believe it is a black or white issue.  There are a lot of gray areas.

                I do believe that it is morally wrong to terminate a pregnancy just because the person doesn’t want a child.

                On the other hand should a 15 year old who gets pregnant due to rape or incest be forced to carry full term?

                I did see one lady, and I use the term loosely, on TV stating that she worked for an abortion clinic and had herself had 5 abortions.  One would think long before that she would have figured out what causes the condition and taken steps to avoid it.

                In this day and age information is readily available and many unwanted pregnancies can be avoided.

                Every case should be taken on its own merit and anyone considering an abortion should receive counselling to fully understand the consequences both pro and con.

                I do believe a woman has a right to make decisions about her own body but those decisions extend to making choices before getting pregnant and they should not be made without understanding what an abortion can do to the body.

                As a man I do not claim to be an expert and none of us really knows what anyone else feels, male or female, but I would hope no one takes making a decision to have an abortion lightly.

                There definitely should be a great deal of thought put into this before it happens and the male partner needs to do his part to avoid pregnancy as well.  It is not all on the woman.  It’s called respect.

                If someone is raped and becomes pregnant I’m sure it must be a very traumatic experience and I can understand why someone in that situation would not to carry full term but again the decision should be tempered with seeking all the information possible about the results an abortion can have on the human body.

                In cases where it was the result of just getting carried away in the moment perhaps consideration should be given to carrying to term and placing the infant up for adoption.  There are many couples that want a child and are unable to conceive.

                Of course the health of the prospective mother and the risks to her and the unborn child must also be part of the conversation.  It is a decision that should be made in conjunction with the woman’s partner and her doctor.

                Once all the options have been explored then the final decision is of course up to the prospective mother.

                In some cases, although probably rare, there is a chance the father may want to have the child and should he not have some say in the final decision?  It is unfair to assume he has all the responsibility and none of the decision making process.

                If the couple are teenagers it is likely that neither of them are really ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child.  There are of course exceptions to every rule.

                As I stated in the beginning each case is unique unto itself and should be treated accordingly and all the pros and cons should be explored before making a final decision.

                If the decision is to have an abortion then it should be available in a reputable facility and be carried out by a qualified professional.  No one should feel they have to go to some back ally quack to get the treatment they desire.

                You are free to agree or disagree but for what it is worth that’s my view from the country.


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