
                The most recent example of people not taking responsibility for their own actions was revealed in the content of a news story where a mother is blaming a restaurant for a burn sustained from the spilling of a hot beverage.

                It is unfortunate and heart wrenching that a 5 year old was burned from a beverage spill.  However, it was not a server that spilled the beverage, so don’t blame the restaurant.

                It is impossible to make a proper cup of tea without boiling water.  Cups are already printed with a warning that the contents are hot.

                Now the couple wants to have the government regulate the heat level of tea and coffee.  Who wants a tepid cup of tea or coffee?  All this because of the carelessness of the parents.  People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

                Again my heart felt concern for the trauma suffered by the 5 year old child but it is the responsibility of the parents to take every precaution when there is a possibility of injury to their child.

                Don’t blame the restaurant and don’t expect the government to step in and handle every situation for you.  Accidents happen, usually because someone didn’t take the proper precautions to prevent the accident.

                As I stated previously it would be different if someone serving the beverage was responsible for the accident but in this case the beverage was totally in the control of the parent.

                I hope the child has no lasting effects from this incident but hopefully the parent will be more careful in the future’

                It seems no one in society wants to take responsibility for their own actions.  If you are that concerned for your child, as you should be, don’t order a hot beverage when they are with you and if you do make sure you make every effort to avoid spilling that beverage on the child and don’t try to put the blame on the restaurant when it is clearly your own actions that resulted in an injury.

                You may choose to agree or disagree but for what it’s worth, that’s my view from the country.

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                Is climate change real?  In my opinion it most definitely is.  There are those who deny that it exists.  To those people I would point out that the earth’s climate has been changing since the beginning of time and will continue to do so.

                Are humans contributing to the escalation of that change?  Again I believe we are.  Mother Nature is capable of combating much of what we throw at her but we have polluted the air, water and the soil to the point where nature is having great difficulty keeping up.

                We definitely need to do better and have greater respect for our planet but I don’t think there is a need to panic, just to be much better stewards of this third rock from the sun.

                It is disturbing to me when I see people like Greta Thunberg making such a fuss.  I respect their concern but I can’t help but think her and others are being manipulated by those who have a vested interest in getting the public overly worked up.

                By all means we need to reduce our waste, on all fronts.  We need to recycle and reuse as much as we can but maybe what we need to do is not produce so much waste material in the first place.  We cannot continue to disrespect our environment.

                There are extreme views on both sides of this issue.  Those who think we are doomed and will all die in the very near future and those who stick their heads in the sand and pretend that there is no problem.

                In Canada we have more than enough trees to consume the CO2 that we produce.  However, CO2 knows no boundaries so we therefore have no control over what enters our space from other countries.

                Our current government thinks the solution is to implement a carbon tax.  Just how is paying more tax going to reduce the carbon output?

                In the last election the Prime Minister used two airplanes for his campaign and claimed it was OK because he bought carbon credits to offset the output.

                In my mind the two planes still produced the same amount of CO2 regardless.  It makes no sense to me that someone producing carbon in excess of their “acceptable” limit can buy credits from someone who is below what is considered an acceptable limit.  This doesn’t reduce the carbon; it just shifts it from one producer to another.

                Maybe what needs to be done is reward those who reduce their output and penalize those who do not at least make a concerted effort to do so.  Pavlov proved many years ago that positive reinforcement accomplishes more than negative reinforcement.

                There is much that needs to be done and we all have a responsibility to do our part but I don’t believe adding more tax to an already overtaxed population will do anything to solve the problem.

                Given the opportunity it is amazing how quickly nature can clean up the mess that humans make but if we are continually making a huge mess and growing that mess at a rate that nature cannot keep up we will eventually destroy ourselves.

                Fossil fuels are a big contributor but we will not eliminate them overnight.  Better ways are needed but it is important to thoroughly assess the consequences of what we try to replace them with and I believe there are processes that produce more CO2 than the burning of fossil fuels.  Even the production of those fuels quite possibly produces less CO2 than the mining operations   required to produce materials for electric vehicles.

                There are those who think electric cars are the answer but once again, in order to produce the batteries for electric cars, extensive mining operations must be undertaken.  What is the real carbon contribution to our environment?  Also it would seem that little or no consideration is given to how the power is generated that is needed to continually recharge the EV batteries.

                Once the huge and expensive batteries required for EVs have reached the end of their useful life they will need to be disposed of and so far there is no comprehensive plan for recycling or disposing of those batteries.  The hazardous materials contained in those batteries will create yet another pollution problem that will need to be solved.

                We have situations now where we have a shortage of electricity from time to time and I know of one case where Hydro Ontario has said they can’t provide power to service a proposed subdivision.  How are they going to provide all the power that will be required once we get to the point where we have virtually everyone driving an EV?  This doesn’t seem to me to be very well thought out.

                We used to drive to Florida every winter and if we had to do that in an electric vehicle I imagine it would take much longer to make that trip.  At least with a gas vehicle one needs to stop for a few minutes to refuel and be back on the road.

                The range of most EVs is less than that of a gas powered vehicle and recharging takes considerably longer, meaning that it would probably take at least twice as long to make the trip from Ontario to Florida.

                Wind turbines are not an answer either.  The materials required for producing the components for wind turbines have to be mined and they contain hazardous materials for which there is no plan for recycling or disposal when those components reach the end of their useful life.

                In addition the turbines cause great harm to birds and bats.  Although they appear to be turning at a slow rate of speed, they are in fact moving very quickly.  A simple calculation will prove that fact.  Consider that the length of one blade on a wind turbine can be as much as 107 meters (351 feet).  Those blades rotate 10 to 20 times per minute.  This means the tip can be rotating at as much as 180 miles per hour.

                Solar is another possible solution to power generation but the same facts apply as with wind.  The materials to produce the solar panels must be mined and there is no plan to safely dispose of those materials once they have come to the end of their usefulness.  In addition they can cover huge tracts of land, often good farm land, which is disappearing at an alarming rate as it is, due to the construction of new homes and subdivisions.

                For sure mankind has to be more respectful of our environment if we are to survive as a species but a more sane way has to be found than the direction our government is taking us at the present time.

                You are free to agree or disagree but for what it is worth that’s my view from the country.


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                There is a lot of discussion over the topic of abortion and many people take one side or the other but I don’t believe it is a black or white issue.  There are a lot of gray areas.

                I do believe that it is morally wrong to terminate a pregnancy just because the person doesn’t want a child.

                On the other hand should a 15 year old who gets pregnant due to rape or incest be forced to carry full term?

                I did see one lady, and I use the term loosely, on TV stating that she worked for an abortion clinic and had herself had 5 abortions.  One would think long before that she would have figured out what causes the condition and taken steps to avoid it.

                In this day and age information is readily available and many unwanted pregnancies can be avoided.

                Every case should be taken on its own merit and anyone considering an abortion should receive counselling to fully understand the consequences both pro and con.

                I do believe a woman has a right to make decisions about her own body but those decisions extend to making choices before getting pregnant and they should not be made without understanding what an abortion can do to the body.

                As a man I do not claim to be an expert and none of us really knows what anyone else feels, male or female, but I would hope no one takes making a decision to have an abortion lightly.

                There definitely should be a great deal of thought put into this before it happens and the male partner needs to do his part to avoid pregnancy as well.  It is not all on the woman.  It’s called respect.

                If someone is raped and becomes pregnant I’m sure it must be a very traumatic experience and I can understand why someone in that situation would not to carry full term but again the decision should be tempered with seeking all the information possible about the results an abortion can have on the human body.

                In cases where it was the result of just getting carried away in the moment perhaps consideration should be given to carrying to term and placing the infant up for adoption.  There are many couples that want a child and are unable to conceive.

                Of course the health of the prospective mother and the risks to her and the unborn child must also be part of the conversation.  It is a decision that should be made in conjunction with the woman’s partner and her doctor.

                Once all the options have been explored then the final decision is of course up to the prospective mother.

                In some cases, although probably rare, there is a chance the father may want to have the child and should he not have some say in the final decision?  It is unfair to assume he has all the responsibility and none of the decision making process.

                If the couple are teenagers it is likely that neither of them are really ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child.  There are of course exceptions to every rule.

                As I stated in the beginning each case is unique unto itself and should be treated accordingly and all the pros and cons should be explored before making a final decision.

                If the decision is to have an abortion then it should be available in a reputable facility and be carried out by a qualified professional.  No one should feel they have to go to some back ally quack to get the treatment they desire.

                You are free to agree or disagree but for what it is worth that’s my view from the country.


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Annexation vs Cooperation

                Recently the suggestion to annex more land from Cavan Monaghan to the City of Peterborough has been proposed.

                This time the proposal comes from the Mayor of Cavan Monaghan.  In the past it has been initiated by the city.

                It seems ludicrous to me that the only option that is ever considered is annexation.  How about cooperation?  The township has the land and the city could provide the services and a revenue sharing formula could be developed that would be fair to all concerned.  That way everybody wins.

                It could also be that the township could simply buy services from the city and retain the tax base.  That option would however need to be carefully considered and worded to protect each municipality.

                Unless both parties are willing to sit down and discuss all possibilities there will never be a viable solution to the problem and simple annexation is detrimental to the township in the long run.

                Once land is annexed to the city it is gone forever.  There would be an initial payment and likely annual payments for a few years but in the end the land and the tax base is gone.  No more revenue for the township.  This is a never ending process and eventually the township would get so small that it would not be a viable municipality.

                Past experience should be kept in mind when having such discussions with the city.  The last time Peterborough annexed land from North Monaghan ward for industrial purposes they almost immediately rezoned it residential then complained they had no land for industrial development.

                When they supposedly had a potential developer looking for suitable land they would not share any information about the proposal with the neighboring township.  The track record is not good.

                Perhaps even better would be the proposal from the owners of Kawartha Downs to further develop that property and provide their own services.  They are even willing to discuss the possibility of servicing the airport.  Perhaps they could also provide services to commercial and industrial lands along Whittington Drive.

                This, in my opinion, would be most beneficial to the township and the city would also benefit because most of the jobs created would likely go to city residents at no cost to Peterborough.

                Of course this will not happen overnight, nor would annexation, but it seems like a potential answer to the problem of serviced land for the creation of jobs in the area while retaining a much needed tax base for the municipality.

                It would be necessary to scrutinize all aspects of the Kawartha Downs proposal in order to know what the municipality was getting itself into but on the surface it sounds like a good plan.

                Perhaps the residential component of their plan is a bit aggressive but it would be worth investigating and making an attempt to work out details that could benefit the entire area.

                One question would need to be answered definitively and that is; would the municipality eventually be required to assume responsibility for any water and sewage treatment facility that might be developed initially by a private corporation?  There are a lot of unanswered questions but careful consideration of the proposal would be worth a look.

                You can agree or disagree with my point of view; everyone is entitled to their own opinion but for what it’s worth that’s my view from the country.

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Peterborough Casino


                It has been interesting, to say the least, watching the city of Peterborough debate the location of a new casino.  Some thought was apparently even given to locating it downtown.

Why would anyone in their right mind suggest that it should be located in the downtown core?  That would be, without a doubt, the worst possible location.  The traffic congestion would make the downtown even less attractive than it is now for anyone to consider shopping there.

People who would be going to the casino would not patronize the downtown businesses and in that location it would be likely to attract an undesirable crowd to the downtown.

It is also interesting to hear members of city council claim how it will create hundreds of new jobs.  Will it really create new jobs?  They seem to be missing the point that the existing casino in Cavan Monaghan is a major employer.  Those jobs will be eliminated or simply transferred to the new location, so there will not likely be any new jobs and most of the employees at the current casino are likely residents of Peterborough.

They are speculating that it will generate a considerable income for the city.  That remains to be seen.  In Cavan Monaghan the casino has generated a very nice windfall for the municipality over the years it has been located there.

Even if it was to stay where it is there is no guarantee that the level of funding for the municipality will remain at the current level.

When it was run by OLG there was an agreement that 5% of the profits would be paid to the host municipality.  The property owner and the horseman’s association each got 10%.  The horseman’s association has since been cut out of the picture.

The whole purpose of locating the original slots facilities at race tracks was because there was already gambling allowed there.  That made sense.

It is also important to remember that the municipal percentage was on slots.  There was no mention of table games should they be added to the facility.

Now that the casinos have been turned over to private enterprise it wouldn’t surprise me if the profit margin decreases, that’s how business works.  It is easy to reduce the profits by paying bonuses to executives and other legitimate accounting practices.

At the current location there is more than ample parking and an additional 100 acres to the north that could possibly accommodate any future expansion.

A casino in the city will make it easier for people who can least afford to gamble to take part in such activity on a regular basis.

Traffic congestion at any location in the city will be annoying at best.  It’s too bad the city could not get along better with their neighbouring municipality and stop playing the bully.

Only time will tell but it will be interesting to see how the city officials will spin the details and claim how good it all is for the city.

They have already guaranteed $150,000 a year to the DBIA for twenty years.  What else will they do with the money even before it materializes?

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New Community Centre


                There is much talk about a new community centre for our municipality and the Cavan Monaghan Council would have us believe that they are going to build a new $15 million facility and it won’t cost the tax payers a dime.  Does anyone really believe that?

Funds, they say, will come out of reserves.  No matter how you spin that, it is still tax payers’ money.  Whether it came from property tax, the slots or any other source, all funds in the care of the township belong to the residents of this community.

There is no doubt that the current facility leaves much to be desired.  The dressing rooms are deplorable; the upper hall is not accessible and the facility does not address the needs of all members of the community.

Any new facility must allow for programs and activities for all members of the community.  The problem lies in the way the township is proposing to approach the project.

In my opinion the only way to achieve the desired result is to have serious partners involved.  That should include local organizations corporate partners and the public in general.  There are several potential partners I believe should be approached and their needs taken into consideration if they are interested in becoming partners.

It is not only the cost of building the facility that has to be considered but also the ongoing operating costs.  There are ways to create a facility that can cover at least most of the operating costs and perhaps even turn a small profit.

It is also important to keep in mind that there is a real need for a new fire hall and a new works depot, both of which will require extensive funding.

If the reserves are depleted for one project it will mean tax increases to fund the others, so directly or indirectly it is the tax payers who will foot the bill.

Is the proposed plot of land large enough to accommodate all the possible uses?  All those uses will not be known until it is determined what partners might be involved.

A large enough parcel of land could accommodate not only the new community centre but also the new fire hall and works depot.  Building them as a municipal complex would mean in the end that the total cost would be less than doing each separately.

All facilities don’t have to be built at the same time but planning for a complete municipal complex would make the future construction more affordable.

We should also keep in mind that the city of Peterborough continues to insist on annexing more land from North Monaghan and that will cause our tax base to shrink, meaning less tax payers to share the cost.  All of this must be considered before moving forward with any major project.

With the slots funding disappearing in the very near future we will not have that source to draw on to build the reserves back to a desired level.  It took many years to build the current reserve and repeating that process without the slots will present a great challenge.

Let’s hope the Council and the staff thinks this trough thoroughly before making a commitment that digs us into a hole from which we may never emerge.

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Cancelled flight compensation

Flight cancelled? Got bumped? Here’s what your airline owes you

There are few things as defeating as rounding the home stretch on the last leg of a trip and finding out your flight has been cancelled or you checked in a few minutes too late and now you’re bumped from the flight.

But don’t despair; you’re protected says the National Airlines Council of Canada – an industry organization representing carriers like Air Canada, Air Transat, Jazz Aviation and WestJet.

“NACC member airlines recognize the importance of consumer protection and have adopted the responsibilities and obligations outlined in Flight Rights Canada, the Government of Canada’s air travel consumer protection initiative,” Marc-André O’Rourke, executive director of the NACC told Yahoo Canada via an emailed statement.

O’Rourke is referring to the passenger-geared initiative launched in 2008, which requires carriers to address concerns including denied boarding as a result of overbooking, delays, cancellations, passenger re-routing, and lost and damaged baggage. “(Except for) weather‐related incidents or events caused by a third party, our member carriers honour the rights of passengers outlined in the code of conduct,” he said in his statement.

Although the code of conduct is voluntary, in 2009 major Canadian airlines including Air Canada, WestJet and Air Transat, abide by the guidelines and have fine-tuned their tariffs (official speak for the agreement between airlines and passengers.)

Get what you paid for

According to the code, passengers have a right to information on flight times and schedule changes and airlines must make reasonable efforts to inform passengers of those changes. Passengers have a right to take the flight they paid for.

“If the plane is over-booked or cancelled, the airline must find the passenger a seat on another flight operated by that airline, buy the passenger a seat on another carrier with whom it has a mutual interline traffic agreement or refund the unused portion of the passenger’s ticket,” says the FRC.

When a plane is overbooked, the major carriers will usually call on volunteers to take an alternate flight. But either way, whether you’re a volunteer or involuntarily bumped due to a cancelled flight, the airline needs to compensate you in travel vouchers or cash – your choice.

Time is on your side

The code also looks at the punctuality angle.

“If the passenger is already on the aircraft when a delay occurs, the airline will offer drinks and snacks if it is safe, practical and timely to do so,” says the code of conduct. “If the delay exceeds 90 minutes and circumstances permit, the airline will offer passengers the option of disembarking from the aircraft until it is time to depart.”

When a flight is delayed and the departure is more than four hours after the schedule time, passengers should be provided with meal vouchers. If that delay slips beyond eight hours and requires an overnight stay – the airline will comp the hotel and airport transfers for passengers.

The price is right

Monetary compensation varies from carrier to carrier.

For instance, Air Canada offers $200 to any bumped passenger who is delayed reaching their original destination by two hours, $400 for delays between two and six hours and $800 for delays over six hours.

WestJet uses a higher buffer when a passenger is denied boarding on a plane they were confirmed a seat. If you get to your destination an hour late but less than two hours after the planned arrival time, they will be compensated 200 per cent of the total price of their ticket up to a maximum $650. When that delay climbs to more than two hours, WestJet will compensate 400 per cent of the total price to the passenger’s first destination or stopover up to $1,300.

With international flight delays, both Porter and Sunwing comp up to $650 for flights between one and four hours and up to $1,300 for delays over four hours.

In the U.S. the Depart of Transportation requires airlines to compensate bumped passengers. It’s more or less in line with the FRC and is just as relevant whether you’re taking off from Chicago’s O’Hare or LAX.

“If the airline is not able to get you to your final destination within one hour of your original arrival time, the airline must pay you an amount equal to 200 percent of your one-way fare, with a maximum of $650,” states the DoT’s website.

With most carriers – U.S. or Canadian – compensation is to be made at the moment and place the denied boarding occurs, so start with the gate agent. If you catch an alternate flight before the compensation takes place, you have a right to get compensation in a timely manner from the airline so be sure to call customer service as soon as possible and notify them of the situation.

While tariffs vary, it might be wise to ask the airline for a printed copy of its tariff to review before you agree to any handouts. In the event that it’s a Canadian carrier and you still feel shunned by the delay or cancellation, escalate it by taking your complaints to the Canadian Transportation Agency.

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7 scams every traveller needs to know about

Tie me up

Where: Paris and Rome

Scam: As you’re walking near the famous Sacre Coeur or Spanish Steps, a charismatic man strolls up to you and starts a conversation. Before you know it, he’s tying a bracelet around your wrist or finger and double-knotting it better than a Boy Scout. Then he demands payment. Of course, you can say no. But if you do, he’ll scream that you are stealing his bracelet and embarrass you in public. Most tourists give in to the pressure and pay just to prevent a scene.

Tip: Don’t get too close. If someone is being super friendly, you have the right to be suspicious. And if he or she gets close enough to put a bracelet on your wrist, don’t be afraid to just walk away.

The diversion

Where: Airports and train stations

Scam: This scam comes in many different forms. One is the “hot dog trick,” whereby a stranger accidentally squirts mustard on you while eating a hot dog. As he apologizes and tries to help you clean up, an accomplice grabs your bag and slips away. Another form of this scam involves an old lady falling in a public place. As everyone runs to her assistance, her partner swoops up as many bags as he can carry and disappears.

Tip: Whether you’re sitting or standing, always be in contact with your bags. Keep a hand on your carry-on, or place it between your legs, if you want to keep it from going missing.

Security line switch-up

Where: Airports

Scam: Picture this: You’re about to walk through a metal detector when the person behind you cuts ahead of you. Annoyed, you let him go, but your frustration builds as he repeatedly sets off the alarm. He’s forgotten to remove his watch and loose change, so he is holding up the line. What you don’t know is that on the other side, his accomplice has snagged your belongings and is already in another terminal.

Tip: Wait until the last moment to put your stuff on the conveyor belt; this way no one can slip in front of you. Also, keep an eye on your stuff if you get held up at the metal detector. If you see some fishy business, alert the TSA agent.

The drop and swap

Where: Istanbul

Scam: You’re a tourist in the country and just getting the hang of the foreign currency. You take a taxi, and when you arrive at your destination, you pay the fare with a 50-lira note. Without your noticing, the driver switches your payment with a 5-lira note, which, unfortunately for you, looks quite similar. He accuses you of shortchanging him, and since you’re not totally sure he’s wrong, you give him another 50-lira note.

Tip: Be a confident traveler. Familiarize yourself with the currency before you go, and pay attention when you pay for services. If you think you’re getting duped, threaten to call the police. Local law enforcement officers know about this trick, and the driver probably won’t want to lose his license.

Bait and switch

Where: Everywhere

Scam: You’re planning a vacation on a budget, and you find an amazing-looking hotel in your price range. It seems too good to be true, but the pictures on their website look idyllic, so you enter your credit card info and book the room. Unfortunately, when you arrive, you discover that the hotel is a dump, and they won’t refund your money. In some countries, one-star hotels will even copy the name of a popular hotel just to lure tourists to their location. Tricky!

Tip: It always pays to book through a reputable tour operator because it will take responsibility for the booking and guarantee that you don’t lose money. Sites such as Oyster and TripAdvisor are also great resources for checking out reviews from customers who have stayed at the hotel.

Wi-Fi data skimming

Where: Airports, hotels

Scam: Let’s be honest, no one ever turns down free Wi-Fi. This fact has made the practice of “skimming” all too common at hotels, cafés, and other public venues. A free W-Fi hotspot is set up and made public for anyone to access. Sure, the Internet is free, but while you’re checking Facebook, your data is getting sent to the host’s computer. Just like that, they have access to your usernames and passwords.

Tip: Only connect to legitimate networks. Check out this list of airports with free Wi-Fi so that you know you’re connecting to a secure network. At a hotel, don’t connect to another guest’s Wi-Fi hotspot. Instead, ask the front desk for the hotel’s preferred network and use it!

Tricky exchange rates

Where: Western Europe

Scam: You find a great souvenir at a shop overseas, and as you hand your credit card to the merchant, she asks if you’d like to convert your credit card transaction to U.S. dollars. You oblige, because it sounds easier, but actually it’s not. It’s called Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC), and by using a conversion rate that is higher than the going rate, the merchant is making an extra profit off of your purchase. She pockets the money and you’re left in the dark.

Tip: Always pay in local currency. Also, DCC fees can be added only to Visa and MasterCard credit and debit card purchases. American Express cards use a closed system.

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Printing Services

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According to the website there are definite health benefits to drinking water on an empty stomach.  Although I would question the claim that it is a 100% cure for a number of diseases, it certainly is worth a try and definitely makes sense that cold drinks can solidify oils and grease in the stomach from foods that have just been digested.  Note that 160ml of water is only about 5.5 ounces, so the four glasses referred to is actually about two and three quarter 8 ounce glasses.

Following is the claim made by this website.  This is provided for information only and everyone should use their own judgement but there is certainly nothing to lose from trying this method.

It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:

Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.


  1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
  2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
  3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
  4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
  5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
  6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:

  1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
  2. Gastric (10 days)
  3. Diabetes (30 days)
  4. Constipation (10 days)
  5. Cancer (180 days)
  6. TB (90 days)
  7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.

It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.

This makes sense. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain…

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.

It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.

Once this ‘sludge’ reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.

Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks:

  • Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting,
  • Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
  • You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
  • Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
  • 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.

• Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.

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